Public Comment Completed: Canada and the United States Seek Nominations for Consideration in the Development of a Second Set of Candidate Chemicals of Mutual Concern under Annex 3 of the Canada-U.S. Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement

Posted: May 31, 2016
A view of Hamilton Harbour on the western tip of Lake Ontario on December 13, 2012. © Environment and Climate Change Canada.

Pursuant to Annex 3 of the Canada-U.S. Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, Canada and the U.S. are seeking nominations of chemicals for consideration in the development of a second set of candidate Chemicals of Mutual Concern (CMCs).

By designating a chemical as a CMC, Canada and the U.S. signal their intention to reduce its anthropogenic release into the environment through the development of binational strategies and actions, which may include binational or domestic actions such as research, monitoring, surveillance and pollution prevention and control provisions.

A process has been established by which consideration will be given to candidate CMC nominations from state and provincial governments, tribal governments, First Nations and Métis in the Great Lakes Basin, as well as from external stakeholders such as industry, non-government organizations, academia and the general public.

External stakeholder nominations for candidate CMCs are welcome at any time.

Additional information about the nomination process and criteria for candidate CMC nominations may be found by visiting

To submit nominations, or if you have questions regarding nominations, please visit: