The Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement commits Canada and the United States to prepare and issue Binational Strategies to reduce the release and impact of Chemicals of Mutual Concern. The draft strategy for Mercury is now available for public review on The period for interested agencies, organizations, and individuals to provide comments on the […]
Posted: May 17, 2018chemicals
Draft Binational Strategy for Chemicals of Mutual Concern Available for Public Review
The Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement commits Canada and the United States to prepare and issue Binational Strategies to reduce the release and impact of Chemicals of Mutual Concern (CMC). The draft strategy for Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDE) is now available for public review on The period for interested agencies, organizations, and individuals to […]
Posted: April 11, 2018Lake Huron Lakewide Action and Management Plan Annual Report 2017
The Lake Huron Lakewide Action and Management Plan (LAMP) is a binational action plan for restoring and protecting the Lake Huron ecosystem. This 2017 annual report highlights accomplishments and progress during the past year including outreach, monitoring, and protection and restoration actions. The LAMP is developed and implemented by the Lake Huron Partnership, which is […]
Posted: October 23, 2017Development of Binational Strategies for Chemicals of Mutual Concern
The 2012 Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement commits Canada and the United States, in cooperation and consultation with State and Provincial Governments, Tribal Governments, First Nations, Métis, Municipal Governments, watershed management agencies, other local public agencies, and the Public, to prepare and issue binational strategies to reduce the release and impact of chemicals which have […]
Posted: June 20, 2017The Governments of Canada and the United States agree on 2017-2019 Great Lakes Binational Priorities for Science and Action
Article 5, Section 2(c) of the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement of 2012 states: “…the Parties shall establish, in consultation with the Great Lakes Executive Committee, binational priorities for science and action to address current and future threats to the quality of the Water of the Great Lakes, not later than six months after each […]
Posted: March 3, 2017Great Lakes Executive Committee Meeting: December 2016
Below are materials documenting the GLEC meeting held by teleconference on December 6, 2016.
Posted: December 6, 2016Great Lakes Public Forum 2016 – Presentations & Videos
As called for in the 2012 Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, the governments of Canada and the United States convened a Great Lakes Public Forum, with the International Joint Commission, to: Provide an opportunity to discuss and receive public comments on the state of the lakes and binational priorities for science and action; and Provide […]
Posted: November 25, 2016Public Comment Completed: 2017-2019 Great Lakes Binational Priorities for Science and Action
Article 5, Section 2(c) of the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement of 2012 states: “…the Parties shall establish, in consultation with the Great Lakes Executive Committee, binational priorities for science and action to address current and future threats to the quality of the Water of the Great Lakes, not later than six months after each […]
Posted: October 3, 2016Public Comment Completed: Canada and the United States Seek Nominations for Consideration in the Development of a Second Set of Candidate Chemicals of Mutual Concern under Annex 3 of the Canada-U.S. Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement
Pursuant to Annex 3 of the Canada-U.S. Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, Canada and the U.S. are seeking nominations of chemicals for consideration in the development of a second set of candidate Chemicals of Mutual Concern (CMCs). By designating a chemical as a CMC, Canada and the U.S. signal their intention to reduce its anthropogenic […]
Posted: May 31, 2016