There will be a planned outage of this website beginning 8:00 am CST on Monday, March 3 and lasting through Wednesday, March 5 as we migrate our network to EPA’s National Computer Center. During the move, this website will be unavailable. Please check the site on Thursday March 6, 2025 after 8 am CST as we hope to have all services restored by then. Il y aura une interruption programmée de ce site web à partir de 8h00 CST le lundi 3 mars et jusqu'au mercredi 5 mars, car nous transférons notre réseau vers le Centre National de l'Informatique de l'EPA. Pendant cette période, le site web sera indisponible. Veuillez vérifier le site le jeudi 6 mars 2025 après 8h00 CST, car nous espérons avoir rétabli tous les services d'ici là.

Nutrients Documents

5-Year Binational Adaptive Management Evaluation for Lake Erie (2017-2021): Measuring the Ecosystem Response to Nutrients

Under the 2012 Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, Canada and the United States use an Adaptive Management approach for addressing eutrophication issues in Lake Erie. The Annex 4 (Nutrients) Subcommittee’s Adaptive Management Task Team conducted an evaluation to assess changes in phosphorus loads and progress towards achieving the related Lake Ecosystem Objectives outlined under Annex […]

Posted: September 23, 2024

Binational Lake Erie Nutrient Adaptive Management Framework

Through the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement (Agreement), Annex 4 (Nutrients), Canada and the United States (the Parties) have committed to coordinate binational actions to manage phosphorus loadings to the Great Lakes to combat harmful and nuisance algal blooms and hypoxia. The Parties adopted phosphorus load reduction targets in 2016 to reduce inputs to the […]

Posted: September 23, 2024

Nutrients Annex Subcommittee Recommends Retaining Lake Ontario Phosphorus Targets

To help manage nutrient loads and mitigate the impacts of harmful and nuisance algae in Lake Ontario, the United States and Canada committed, through the 2012 Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement (GLWQA), to review (and revise if appropriate) the binational phosphorus targets for Lake Ontario. Based on the findings of a recent assessment, the GLWQA […]

Posted: July 11, 2023

Lake Erie Binational Phosphorus Reduction Strategy

The Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement commits Canada and the United States to prepare and issue a Binational Strategy for Phosphorus Reduction in Lake Erie. This Strategy includes: The Strategy [PDF] (1.05 MB) was developed by the Nutrients Annex Subcommittee.

Posted: June 14, 2019

Domestic Action Plans to Achieve Phosphorus Reductions in Lake Erie

To combat the growing threat of toxic and nuisance algal development in Lake Erie, the United States and Canada committed, through the 2012 Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, to establish binational phosphorus load reduction targets for Lake Erie by February, 2016, and to develop domestic action plans by 2018 that will outline strategies for meeting […]

Posted: March 7, 2018

Draft Domestic Action Plans for Achieving Phosphorus Reductions in Lake Erie

To combat the growing threat of toxic and nuisance algal development in Lake Erie, the United States and Canada committed, through the 2012 Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, to establish binational phosphorus load reduction targets for Lake Erie by February, 2016, and to develop, by 2018, domestic action plans that will outline strategies for meeting […]

Posted: March 10, 2017

The United States and Canada Adopt Phosphorus Load Reduction Targets to Combat Lake Erie Algal Blooms

To combat the growing threat of toxic and nuisance algal development in Lake Erie, the United States and Canada committed, through the 2012 Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, to establish binational phosphorus load reduction targets for Lake Erie by February, 2016. In response to this commitment, following a robust binational science-based process and extensive public […]

Posted: February 22, 2016