Record of Canadian and U.S. Notifications under the 2012 GLWQA
Contact us for further information about any of these Notifications.
- Canada notified the U.S. on June 21, 2013 of the public hearing for the Deep Geologic Repository Project for Low and Intermediate Level Radioactive Waste in Kincardine, Ontario. (Canada provided the U.S. with a subsequent update on June 10, 2015 regarding the public comment period for last phase of the proposed project’s environmental assessment process).
- Canada notified the U.S. on December 19, 2013 (and provided an update to the Notification on December 30, 2013) of the public hearing for the Marathon Platinum Group Metals and Copper Mine Project located approximately 10 km north of the town of Marathon, Ontario.
- The U.S. notified Canada on November 7, 2014 of CWM Chemical Services permit application to construct and operate a new Residuals Management Unit at their hazardous waste disposal facility in Niagara County, New York and application to dispose of polychlorinated biphenyls at this new Residuals Management Unit.
- Canada notified the U.S. on June 4, 2015 of several applications for licences for existing and expanded aquaculture operations in Georgian Bay and North Channel of Lake Huron.
- Canada notified the U.S. on February 5, 2016 of four applications under review by the National Energy Board (NEB): the Eastern Mainline Project (a natural gas pipeline running adjacent to Lake Ontario); the Energy East Project (a proposed pipeline carrying crude oil from Alberta and Saskatchewan to refineries in Eastern Canada, part of which may be in close proximity to Lake Superior); Vaughan Mainline Expansion Project (a new natural gas pipeline in the City of Vaughan, Ontario crossing 28 watercourses within the Humber River watershed, which drains into Lake Ontario); and the Lake Erie Connector International Power Line (a new international power line from Haldimand County, Ontario under Lake Erie to Erie County, Pennsylvania).
- The U.S. notified Canada on March 25, 2016 of proposed Swine Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation and a proposed expansion of a Dairy Cow Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation in northern Wisconsin, within the Lake Superior watershed.
- The U.S. notified Canada on March 25, 2016 of the reopening of the public comment period for the Plains Corporation pipelines that run under the St. Clair River.
- Canada notified the U.S. on October 5, 2018 of two pipeline applications submitted to the National Energy Board (NEB): Enbridge Line 5 St. Clair River Replacement Project (the installation of approximately 0.5km of pipeline to replace the existing Line 5 crossing beneath the St. Clair River in Ontario); and Kinder Morgan Utopia Ltd. Detroit River Crossing Replacement Project (the decommissioning and installation of approximately 1,136m replacement pipeline and approximately 365m of additional pipeline, as well as a block valve beneath the Detroit River).
- On April 27, 2021, Canada notified the U.S. of the opportunity to provide comments as part of the public comment period on the Environmental Impact Statement Addendum for the Marathon Palladium Project (formerly known as the Marathon Platinum Group Metals and Copper Mine Project, which Canada originally notified the U.S. of in 2013). The environmental assessment for this project, which was paused in January 2014, has re-commenced. Canada provided an update to the U.S. on January 4, 2022, regarding the opportunity to participate in the public hearings to begin on February 15, 2022.
- The U.S. notified Canada on June 4, 2021 of the International Recycling Group’s plans to site a plastic sorting facility in Erie, Pennsylvania.
- The U.S. notified Canada on September 21, 2021 of a Conditional Use Permit being sought by Kristle KLR LLC from Bayfield County Zoning to collect and sell artesian aquifer groundwater in Clover (Herbster), Bayfield County, Wisconsin.
- Canada notified the U.S. on July 24, 2024, of a public consultation period seeking feedback on the development of a regulatory framework for commercial-scale geologic carbon storage in Ontario. (Canada provided the U.S. with a subsequent notification on December 2, 2024, of the public consultation period seeking feedback on a legislative proposal for regulating commercial-scale geologic carbon storage in Ontario.)
- Canada notified the U.S. on September 5, 2024, of Bruce Power’s proposal for a new nuclear generating station within the existing Bruce Power nuclear power site in Kincardine, Ontario, and the opportunity to provide comments on the summary of the Initial Project Description.