2019 Great Lakes Public Forum

Posted: February 27, 2019


The United States and Canada invite members of the public, organizations, and agencies with an interest in Great Lakes issues, or those involved Great Lakes programs, to attend the June 17 to 19, 2019 Great Lakes Public Forum. Governments would like to hear from you on Great Lakes matters!

The Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement calls for the United States and Canada to convene the Great Lakes Public Forum once every three years to discuss the state of the lakes, progress made under the Agreement, and proposed priorities to guide science and actions over the next three years. The meeting also provides an opportunity for the public to provide input to the International Joint Commission, who are tasked with advising the United States and Canada with respect to the implementation of the Agreement.

Additional information for the 2019 Great Lakes Public Forum click here

Three-day Agenda Summary

Morning of Day 1 – Summary of the State of the Great Lakes

Afternoon of Day 1, Day 2, and Morning of Day 3 – Sessions summarizing progress on major Great Lakes environmental issues, organized by the ten Annexes of the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement

Lead U.S. and Canadian agencies will facilitate each topic session, consisting of:

  • A description of related environmental indicators;
  • A description of how governmental organizations work together to implement related environmental restoration and protection actions;
  • Implementation success stories from Federal, State, Provincial, Tribal, First Nation, Métis, and community speakers; and
  • The proposed priorities to guide science and actions for the next three years.

Afternoon of Day 3 – The International Joint Commission’s Public Roundtable

Tentative Agenda:

June 17, 2019

8:00 AM – 9:00 AM Registration

  • Welcome
  • Summary of the State of Great Lakes
    • Presented by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Environment and Climate Change Canada
  • Break and Networking
  • Nutrients
    • Facilitated by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Environment and Climate Change Canada
  • Lunch
  • Aquatic Invasive Species
    • Facilitated by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services and Fisheries and Oceans Canada
  • Discharges from Vessels
    • Facilitated by U.S. Coast Guard and Transport Canada
  • Break and Networking
  • Groundwater
    • Facilitated by U.S. Geological Survey and Environment and Climate Change Canada
  • Climate Change Impacts
    • Facilitated by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and Environment and Climate Change Canada

June 18, 2019

9:00 AM Welcome and Review of Day 1

  • Areas of Concern
    • Facilitated by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Environment and
  • Break and Networking
  • Chemicals of Mutual Concern
    • Facilitated by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Environment and Climate Change Canada
  • Lunch
  • Habitat and Species
    • Facilitated by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services and Environment and Climate Change Canada
  • Break and Networking
  • Habitat and Species continued

June 19, 2019

9:00 AM Welcome and Review of Day 1 and 2

  • Lakewide Management and Science
    • Facilitated by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Environment and Climate Change Canada
  • Break and Networking
  • Bringing Clarity to Great Lakes Issues: Key Players on Great Lakes Issues and What They Do (Chaired by GLEC Co-Chairs)
    • Presentations by other international organizations with responsibilities to manage resources in the Great Lakes
  • Lunch
  • Afternoon Public Roundtable
    • Facilitated by the International Joint Commission

Hotel Room Reservations
To make your reservation online, please visit Hilton Milwaukee City Center Hotel.