Lake Michigan Lakewide Action and Management Plan Annual Report 2013

Posted: October 20, 2013
Lake Michigan Lakewide Management Plan Annual Report 2013

This annual report highlights progress and challenges for the Lake Michigan Lakewide Action and Management Plan over the past year, and outlines planned activities including outreach, monitoring, protection and restoration actions. It includes an overview, accomplishments, challenges, next steps, and contacts. The Lake Michigan Lakewide Action and Management Plan (LAMP) is a collaborative, adaptive management program that assesses the ecosystems of the Lake Michigan basin. Integrated data aids in the development of targeted actions for watersheds where land-based activities are contributing to degraded water quality in the near shore and strategies are needed for habitat and biodiversity  protection and restoration. The LAMP collaboration includes federal, state, tribal and local government and a public involvement partnership with the Lake Michigan Stakeholder’s Forum and the Watershed Academy planning commissions network.

Author: United States Environmental Protection Agency.

PDF (589 KB)