
A key change in the 2012 Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement (GLWQA) s the increased importance the United States and Canada have placed on engaging the broadest range of governments and organizations as well as the public in our work.The GLWQA identifies public engagement as one of several key principles that will guide implementation overall and within each Annex.

“Public engagement – incorporating Public opinion and advice, as appropriate, and providing information and opportunities for the Public to participate in activities that contribute to the achievement of the objectives of this Agreement.”

The 2012 GLWQA contains numerous new opportunities for public engagement:

  • The Great Lakes Public Forum provides an opportunity for the United States and Canada to discuss and receive public comments on the state of the Lakes and binational priorities for science and action; and provides an opportunity for the International Joint Commission to discuss and receive public comment on the Progress Report of the Parties. The Public Forum is held every three years.
  • Specific commitments to cooperate and consult with state and provincial governments, tribal governments, First Nations, Métis, municipal governments, watershed management agencies and the public.
  • Implementation of the GLWQA has included specific forums and methods for engaging the public in the work of each annex.

How Can I Get Involved?

  • View a complete list of current and archived Engagement Opportunities
  • Find draft publications for comment, final completed reports, and reference materials under Completed Events
  • Read notices for upcoming events, and an archive of past events under Meetings
  • Learn more about specific engagement activities for various Annexes and Issues

Domestic Implementation

In addition to binational activities under the Agreement, public engagement opportunities exist under various domestic programs in Canada and the United States. For more information on domestic engagement opportunities, please visit the Canada Water Agency or the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Contact Us

If you have any additional questions, please submit them on the Contact Us page.

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