Under the 2012 Canada-U.S. Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, “the Parties to the Agreement” – the U.S. and Canadian Governments – are to conduct a review of the operation and effectiveness of the Agreement every nine years:
“Following every third triennial Assessment of Progress Report of the Commission, the Parties shall review the operation and effectiveness of this Agreement. The Parties shall determine the scope and nature of the review taking into account the views of State and Provincial Governments, Tribal Governments, First Nations, Métis, Municipal Governments, watershed management agencies, other local public agencies, downstream jurisdictions, and the Public.” (Article 5, Section 5)
How do you think the Agreement is working?
- We are interested in your views as the U.S. and Canada determine the scope of the review of the operation and effectiveness of the Agreement.
- Please send your input to glwqa@epa.gov and glwqa-aqegl@ec.gc.ca by July 12.
The U.S. and Canadian governments will determine the scope and nature of the review over this summer and conduct the review in the later part of this year. The goal of the review is to improve the implementation of the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement and it may lead to process improvements and/or the identification of future activities.