The Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement (GLWQA) commits Canada and the United States to prepare binational strategies for Chemicals of Mutual Concern (CMCs), which may include research, monitoring, surveillance, and pollution prevention and control provisions. The Great Lakes Binational Strategy for Mercury Risk Management includes a compilation of management options, some of which are being undertaken by Canada and the U.S. to address gaps and better achieve key commitments under the GLWQA. These options can be considered by a variety of stakeholders, including industry, academia, and non-government organizations. This Binational Strategy convers a list of 22 management options to address threats to the Great Lakes by reducing Mercury releases.
Great Lakes Binational Strategy for Mercury Risk Management (PDF 3.26 MB)
More information on the Chemicals of Mutual Concern can be found at: http://binational.net/dev/2016/05/31/cmcdesig-pcpmdesig/.