There will be a planned outage of this website beginning 8:00 am CST on Monday, March 3 and lasting through Wednesday, March 5 as we migrate our network to EPA’s National Computer Center. During the move, this website will be unavailable. Please check the site on Thursday March 6, 2025 after 8 am CST as we hope to have all services restored by then. Il y aura une interruption programmée de ce site web à partir de 8h00 CST le lundi 3 mars et jusqu'au mercredi 5 mars, car nous transférons notre réseau vers le Centre National de l'Informatique de l'EPA. Pendant cette période, le site web sera indisponible. Veuillez vérifier le site le jeudi 6 mars 2025 après 8h00 CST, car nous espérons avoir rétabli tous les services d'ici là.

Lake Erie Binational Phosphorus Reduction Strategy

Posted: June 14, 2019

The Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement commits Canada and the United States to prepare and issue a Binational Strategy for Phosphorus Reduction in Lake Erie. This Strategy includes:

  • An updated assessment of environmental conditions to guide nutrient management in Lake Erie;
  • A summary of the process that was used to develop the 2016 binational phosphorus reduction targets;
  • Priorities for the implementation of measures to manage phosphorus loading; and,
  • A description of how progress will be tracked.

The Strategy [PDF] (1.05 MB) was developed by the Nutrients Annex Subcommittee.