In accordance with the 2012 Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, a draft 2017 Lakewide Action and Management Plan (LAMP) has been prepared for Lake Huron and the St. Marys River, and is currently available for review and comment.
The LAMP was developed by the Lake Huron Partnership, a collaborative team of natural resource managers led by the governments of the U.S. and Canada, in cooperation and consultation with state and provincial governments, Tribal governments, First Nations, municipal governments, and watershed management agencies. The LAMP for Lake Huron identifies key priorities for the lake, and guides the coordination of binational environmental protection and restoration activities aimed at preserving and protecting Lake Huron’s water quality and ecosystem health.
The draft 2017 Lake Huron LAMP provides an opportunity to provide comments and input on this very important document. Please use the Contact Us page to direct your questions and comments by September 5, 2017.
Lake Huron Lakewide Action management Plan 2017-2021 (11.0 MB)